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This module allow user to create room in sockerIO and let other user join.


Generate Room PIN

  • URL: /track/generate-pin/

  • Method: GET

  • Description: This endpoint is designed to generate a unique 6-digit room PIN that is used to identify tracking rooms. Once generated, this PIN is stored in a Redis database with a default expiration time of 30 minutes. Users need to be logged in to generate a room PIN.

  • Response: A JSON object containing the generated room PIN. The structure of the response is represented by the schemas.TrackRoomOut model, which primarily consists of the room_id attribute, indicating the generated PIN.



  • Description: Activated when a client attempts to connect.
  • Requirements: A JWT token is mandatory to establish a connection.
  • Failure: If the JWT token is missing or invalid, the client will be automatically disconnected.
  • API_URL=
  • SOCKET_PATH=/track-sio/sio/
  • Examples:
newSocket = io(process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL, {
path: process.env.REACT_APP_SOCKET_PATH,
transportOptions: {
polling: {
extraHeaders: {
'Authorization':`Bearer ${token}`


  • Description: Activated when a client disconnects. The event logs the disconnection details.

Join Room

  • Description: Activated when a client wishes to join a room. The client should emit a message to the join_room event with the roomId included in the message.
  • Validation: The system will verify if the room exists or if it has expired.
  • Expiration: Rooms have a lifespan of 30 minutes.

Leave Room

  • Description: Activated when a client decides to leave a room. The client should emit a message to the leave_room event with the roomId included in the message.


  • Description: Activated when a message is sent to the move event.
  • Message Format: The message should adhere to the following structure: { lat: float, long: float, roomId: string }.
  • Failure: If the message format is incorrect, an error message will be emitted to the error message type.