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Settle Aid

Your Ultimate Travel Companion

Settle Aid is the ultimate travel companion for grandparents aged 50-65 visiting Melbourne to care for their grandchildren. We understand the sacrifices they make for their families and the potential loneliness of being in a new city. Settle Aid offers a tailored travel experience, including educational tips, user-friendly navigation, experience sharing, and real-time safety tracking, all in one package, ensuring they enjoy their time in an unfamiliar city.

🔍 Navigate, explore, and embrace Melbourne with confidence and joy!

💙 How to try out our app?

Using Android?

Production Build

Download Settle Aid APK

Or Scan the Iteration 3 QR code on Top Mello Product Doc to download the APK build

Using iOS? (also works for Android)

Demo Environment (Share link function may not work)

1. Install Expo Go Application

Expo Go

2. Click the button or Scan the QR code to open the demo application

Go to Settle Aid