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An expo app

📄️ Routing

In the realm of mobile applications developed with Expo, routing plays a pivotal role in sculpting the user experience. Think of routing as the unseen conductor of an orchestra, seamlessly guiding users through different sections of an app, ensuring smooth transitions, efficient data passage, and intuitive backtracking. It's the backbone of navigation, shaping how users interact with the application's features and content. Without effective routing, even the most feature-rich applications can become unnavigable mazes, diminishing user engagement and satisfaction. Thus, for any application to be truly user-centric, a robust and efficient routing mechanism is indispensable.

📄️ Session Management

Session management is a cornerstone of ensuring a seamless and secure user experience in React Native applications. As mobile apps frequently interact with backend services and APIs, maintaining a secure and persistent session is crucial. Without proper session management, users might encounter unexpected logouts, or, even worse, their data could be exposed to security breaches. By leveraging JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for some of our API accesses, we provide a stateless, server-side solution that ensures data integrity and authenticity between the client and server. JWTs are compact, self-contained, and can securely transmit information between parties. Thus, by adopting JWTs in our React Native app, we not only enhance the application's security but also optimize its performance, reducing the need for continuous server queries about user status.