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Data Validation

FastAPI leverages the power of Pydantic for data validation, serialization, and documentation. Pydantic ensures that the data conforms to expected formats and helps in error handling. Below is a brief description of each schema:

  • UserCreate: Defines the structure for user creation with constraints on username and password length and pattern.
  • LoginRequest: Represents user login request, with validation on username and password.
  • User: Describes a user with attributes like user_id, username, password, and creation date.
  • Prompt & PromptV2: Outlines prompts created by users with attributes like prompt id, user id, prompts, and creation date. Version 2 (PromptV2) also includes negative prompts.
  • RouteOut & RouteOutV2: Defines route data. Version 2 (RouteOutV2) includes additional attributes like route id and creation date. It also converts latitudes and longitudes into dictionary format.
  • RouteVoteOut & RouteVoteOutUser: Outlines user votes for routes. The latter also indicates if a user has voted.
  • UserOut: Describes a user along with their associated prompts.
  • Token & TokenV2: Represents token data, with the latter (TokenV2) offering a comprehensive view, including user id, access, and refresh token details.
  • Query, QuerySeq, RouteQuery, & RouteQueryV2: Defines search parameters for location-based queries. They include validation for location type and route type.
  • SearchResult: Represents search results, providing the name, coordinates, and similarity of the result.
  • UsernameGen & TranslateQuery: Outlines structures for generating usernames and translating queries, respectively.
  • VoteIn: Represents the structure for user votes on routes.
  • Challenge & UserChallengeOut: Defines challenges and user interactions with challenges.
  • LeaderboardOut: Represents user scores on a leaderboard.

The schemas incorporate constraints like constr() and conint(), ensuring data like username and password adhere to specific formats or value ranges. Validators like field_validator and root_validator ensure custom validations on fields, enhancing the robustness of data input.

In essence, Pydantic, combined with FastAPI, offers a systematic and efficient approach to manage and validate incoming and outgoing data, ensuring data integrity and minimizing potential errors.