DevOps - CI/CD
Main Application Dockerfile
The main Dockerfile is structured to set up the environment for the Python application:
- Base Image: Starts from the official Python image python:3.9.17-bullseye.
- Non-root User: A non-root user named myuser is created for better security.
- Working Directory: Sets /usr/src/app as the working directory inside the container.
- Requirements Installation:
- Copies the requirements.txt file to the container.
- Installs the Python packages listed in requirements.txt using pip.
- Codebase Copy: All application code is then copied to the container's working directory.
- File Ownership & Directories:
- Changes the ownership of the working directory to myuser.
- Ensures certain special directories exist and are owned by myuser, such as .pytest_cache and the torch cache for sentence transformers.
- Default User: Switches to myuser so all commands run in the container will be executed as this user.
- Default Command: The default command starts the application using uvicorn with the appropriate parameters.
This Dockerfile is tailored for the PostgreSQL setup with vector extensions:
- Base Image: Uses ankane/pgvector as the base, specialized for vector operations in PostgreSQL.
- PostGIS Extension: PostGIS, a spatial database extension for PostgreSQL, is installed to enable geographical functionalities.
- Default Command: Specifies the default command to start PostgreSQL.
Docker Compose Overview
- db (PostgreSQL)
- Docker Image: jirathipk/postgres-vec-geo:latest
- Purpose: Used for our main application database.
- Credentials:
- Database: database
- User: db_user
- Password: password1234
- Storage: A volume named database_volume persists the database data.
- redis
- Docker Image: redis:latest
- Purpose: Redis server for caching and other in-memory tasks.
- Password: topmelloredis
- Storage: A volume named redis_volume is used to persist the Redis data.
- backend
- Docker Image: jirathipk/settle-aid-backend:latest
- Purpose: Main application.
- Port Mapping: Host's 8000 is mapped to container's 8000.
- Dependencies: Relies on db and redis services to be running.
- Credentials & Config: The environment section contains credentials and configurations.
GitHub Actions Workflows
Python Application Test with Docker
This workflow is triggered whenever there's a push to our main branch. It:
- Checks out repository.
- Builds and starts Docker Compose services using the dev configuration.
- Runs pytest within backend service.
- Shuts down and removes the containers afterward.
Build and Push Images - Dockerhub
Activated either manually or when there's a push to the deploy branch. The steps include:
- Checking out repository.
- Setting up QEMU & Docker Buildx.
- Logging into Docker Hub using saved credentials.
- Building Docker images from Dockerfiles (Dockerfile.db & Dockerfile.backend).
- Pushing these images to Docker Hub.
Deploying on GCP
- SSH into GCP Instance:
gcloud compute ssh <instance-name> --zone <zone>
- Change directory:
cd ..
- Pull the Latest Docker Compose Configuration:
sudo docker-compose pull
- Start the Containers:
sudo docker-compose -p settle-aid up -d
- The -p flag is to set a project name, which can be useful for running multiple environments on the same host
- The -d flag is to run the containers in the background
Actions for Developers:
- Modifications: If there are modifications or additions to packages, update requirements.txt so the Docker build process incorporates these changes.
- GitHub Workflows: The Python application test runs on pushes to the main branch, and the Dockerhub build and push are triggered either manually or when pushing to the deploy branch.