CustomHTTPException | 400 | default_type | DefaultMessage |
InvalidCredentialsException | 401 | invalid_credentials | Invalid credentials |
UserNotFoundException | 404 | user_not_found | User not found |
UserAlreadyExistsException | 400 | user_already_exists | User already exists |
InvalidRefreshTokenException | 404 | invalid_refresh_token | Invalid refresh token |
NotAuthorisedException | 403 | not_authorised | Not authorised |
LocationNotFoundException | 404 | no_location | Not found any location in the given area |
InvalidSearchQueryException | 400 | invalid_search_query | Invalid search query |
RouteNotFoundException | 404 | no_route | Not found any route in the given area |
ParametersTooLargeException | 400 | parameters_too_large | Parameters too large |
AlreadyVotedException | 409 | already_voted | Already voted |
VoteNotFoundException | 404 | vote_not_found | Vote not found |
RequestValidationError | 400 | missing | Field required |
RequestValidationError | 400 | string_pattern_mismatch | String should match pattern |
RequestValidationError | 400 | json_invalid | JSON decode error |
RequestValidationError | 400 | string_type | Input should be a valid string |
RequestValidationError | 400 | string_too_short | String should have at least {} characters |
RequestValidationError | 400 | string_too_long | String should have at most {} characters |
RequestValidationError | 400 | value_error | Location type must be one of 'landmark', 'restaurant', 'grocery', or 'pharmacy'. |
RequestValidationError | 400 | value_error | Route type must be one of 'driving', 'walking', or 'cycling'. |