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1. Fetch Leaderboard

  • URL: /leaderboard/
  • Method: GET
  • URL Parameters:
    • limit: integer, optional (default is 10)
  • Description: This endpoint returns the top N users based on their weekly scores. limit specifies the number of top users to fetch.
  • Response:
    • LeaderboardOut
      • username (string): The username of the user.
      • score (float): The overall score of the user.
    • Example:
      {"username": "user1", "score": 320.5},
      {"username": "user2", "score": 280.2}

2. Fetch User Challenge

  • URL: /{user_id}/
  • Method: GET
  • URL Parameters:
    • user_id: integer, required
  • Description: This endpoint returns the challenges created today for the given user_id.
  • Response:
    • list of UserChallengeOut
      • challenge (Challenge): The challenge details.
        • name (string): The name of the challenge.
        • type (string): The type of the challenge.
      • year (integer): The year of the challenge.
      • month (integer): The month of the challenge.
      • day (integer): The day of the challenge.
      • progress (float): The progress of the challenge.
    • Example:
      "challenge": {"name": "Walk 5000 Steps", "type": "distance_travelled"},
      "year": 2023,
      "month": 9,
      "day": 30,
      "progress": 0.8

3. Fetch All Challenges for User

  • URL: /all/{user_id}/
  • Method: GET
  • URL Parameters:
    • user_id: integer, required
  • Description: This endpoint returns all the challenges for the given user_id.
  • Response: Returns a list of UserChallengeOut as described above.

4. Calculate Weekly Score

  • URL: /weekly_score/{user_id}/
  • Method: GET
  • URL Parameters:
    • user_id: integer, required
  • Description: This endpoint calculates and returns the weekly scores for the given user_id.
  • Response:
    • list of ChallengeScoreOut
      • date (datetime): The date of the score.
      • score (float): The overall score.
      • distance_travelled_score (float, optional): The score from distance travelled challenges.
      • route_generation_score (float, optional): The score from route generation challenges.
      • favourite_sharing_score (float, optional): The score from favourite sharing challenges.
    • Example:
      "date": "2023-09-30T12:00:00",
      "score": 100.5,
      "distance_travelled_score": 50.2,
      "route_generation_score": 25.1,
      "favourite_sharing_score": 25.2

5. Add Challenge Distance Travelled

  • URL: /distance_travelled/{user_id}/
  • Method: POST
  • URL Parameters:
    • user_id: integer, required
  • Description: This endpoint adds a distance travelled challenge for a user.
  • Request Body:
    • DistanceTravelledChallenge
      • steps (integer, 0 ≤ steps ≤ 50000): The number of steps travelled.
    • Example:
      "steps": 45000
  • Response: Returns a dictionary with details about the operation.

6. Add Challenge Route Generation

  • URL: /route_generation/{user_id}/
  • Method: POST
  • URL Parameters:
    • user_id: integer, required
  • Description: This endpoint adds a route generation challenge for a user.
  • Request Body:
    • RouteGenerationChallenge
      • routes_generated (integer): The number of routes generated.
    • Example:
      "routes_generated": 5
  • Response: Returns a dictionary with details about the operation.

7. Add Challenge Favourite Sharing

  • URL: /favourite_sharing/{user_id}/
  • Method: POST
  • URL Parameters:
    • user_id: integer, required
  • Description: This endpoint adds a favourite sharing challenge for a user.
  • Request Body:
    • RouteFavChallenge
      • routes_favourited_shared (integer): The number of routes favourited/shared.
    • Example:
      "routes_favourited_shared": 3
  • Response: Returns a dictionary with details about the operation.