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The implementation of global notifications is paramount for a seamless user experience. Not only do they ensure that users are constantly updated with relevant information and feedback, but they also provide a robust mechanism for error handling. When unexpected issues arise, gracefully presented notifications can guide users, preventing confusion and bolstering trust in the app's reliability and professionalism.


The NotificationContext.tsx module is designed to provide an easy and consistent way to handle notifications in your React application using the react-native-paper library. It establishes a context for notifications, allows for notification messages with different severity levels, and provides the utility to dismiss or take action on a notification.

useNotification custom hook provide a gateway to easy push notification to users. It returns an object containing the pushNotification method detailed below.

Data Types


This is the structure of a notification:

  • message: The core message of the notification.
  • type: The severity type of the notification. It could be one of the following values:
    • success
    • error
    • warning
    • info
  • timeout: The duration for which the notification will be displayed. Default is 4000 ms.
  • onDismiss: A callback function that will be called when the notification is dismissed.
  • action: An optional action that the user can take on the notification. It consists of:
    • label: The text that is displayed for the action.
    • onPress: A callback function that will be executed when the action is taken.


This defines the shape of the context:

  • notification: The current active notification.
  • pushNotification: A function to show a new notification.
  • clearNotification: A function to clear the active notification.


This is the main context that consumers will use to access the current notification and the functions to manipulate it. The context's default value is undefined.


This component wraps around your application or a part of it and provides the NotificationContext to its children.

The NotificationProvider maintains the current notification state, handles the logic for automatically dismissing a notification after its timeout, and renders the actual Snackbar component from the react-native-paper library to display the notification.

Custom Hook: useNotification

The useNotification hook is a custom hook designed to provide easy access to the NotificationContext from any component within your React Native application.

import { useContext } from "react";
import { NotificationContext } from "../store/NotificationContext";

export const useNotification = () => {
const context = useContext(NotificationContext);
if (!context) {
throw new Error("useNotification must be used within a NotificationProvider");
return context;

By using the useNotification hook in your components, you can effortlessly interact with the notification system. It fetches the current notification context, ensuring that it's being accessed within the bounds of the NotificationProvider. If not, it throws a useful error to remind developers of the proper usage.

To leverage the capabilities of the notification system in any component:

const { pushNotification } = useNotification();

// in an event handler or somewhere
message: 'This is a success message!',
type: 'success'