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Keyboard Event

Sometimes, we need to hide the bottom bit of the applicaton when the system keyboard pops up to prevent more important text inputs to be unreachable for users. For example, when user click on username input field, the

useKeyboardEvent Hook

React Native offers a rich API set for various device-specific behaviors, one of which is keyboard interactions. Built atop React Native's Keyboard API, the useKeyboardEvent hook provides a seamless way to track the keyboard's visibility state within the lifecycle of your React components.


The useKeyboardEvent hook provides an abstraction to listen for keyboard show/hide events and maintain the current visibility state of the keyboard. With this, developers can effortlessly implement responsive designs or functionalities that depend on the keyboard's state.


Before diving into the useKeyboardEvent hook, ensure that you have react-native set up in your project:

npm install react-native


Here's a simple example of how you can use the useKeyboardEvent hook:

import { useKeyboardEvent } from 'path-to-your-hook';

function YourComponent() {
const { keyboardShow } = useKeyboardEvent();

return (
// Your component JSX

Hook Return Values

When you invoke the useKeyboardEvent hook, it returns an object containing:

  • keyboardShow (boolean): A boolean indicating the current visibility state of the keyboard. It's true when the keyboard is visible and false otherwise.

Under the Hood

Internally, the hook leverages React Native's Keyboard API to listen for keyboard visibility events:

  • keyboardDidShow event updates the state to indicate the keyboard is visible.
  • keyboardDidHide event updates the state to indicate the keyboard is hidden.

Listeners are cleaned up appropriately to prevent potential memory leaks.

Best Practices

  • Ensure that the useKeyboardEvent hook is invoked within the body of a functional React component.
  • Utilize the keyboardShow state to make UI adjustments, animate components, or change functionalities based on the keyboard's visibility state.