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Global State Management

AppState Documentation

Manage global application states such as theme, language, loading status, and notifications with the AppState Redux slice.

State Structure

The AppState has the following structure:

isLoading: boolean,
isFail: {
message: string
} | null,
theme: "light" | "dark" | "system" | undefined,
language: "en-AU" | "zh-CN" | "hi-IN" | undefined,
privacyChecked: boolean,
roomId: string | undefined


To use the AppState Redux slice, make sure to add it to your store's reducer.

State Selectors

These functions allow you to retrieve specific pieces of state:

  • selectIsLoading: Returns the isLoading state.
  • selectIsFail: Returns the isFail state.
  • selectTheme: Returns the theme state.
  • selectLanguage: Returns the language state.
  • selectPrivacyChecked: Returns the privacyChecked state.
  • selectRoomId: Returns the roomId state.


  • loading: Set the isLoading state to true.
  • loaded: Set the isLoading state to false.
  • fail: Set the isLoading state to false and update the isFail message.
  • setDarkTheme, setLightTheme, and setSystemTheme: Update the theme state.
  • setLanguage: Set the language state to one of the available languages.
  • setPrivacyChecked and setPrivacyUnchecked: Set the privacyChecked state.
  • setRoomId: Update the roomId state.

AuthState Documentation

Manage authentication states and user-specific details with the AuthState Redux slice.

State Structure

The AuthState has the following structure:

id?: number,
username?: string,
token?: string,
tokenExpiresAt?: string,
refreshToken?: string,
refreshTokenExpiresAt?: string,
status: 'idle' | 'login' | 'loginSuccess' | 'loginFail' | 'logout' | 'registering' | 'registerSuccess' | 'registerFail' | 'refreshing' | 'refreshSuccess' | 'refreshFail' | 'logout'



  • loginUser: An asynchronous action to log in a user. Accepts an object with username and password.
  • refreshToken: An asynchronous action to refresh the user's access token using the refresh token.
  • registerUser: An asynchronous action to register a new user. Accepts an object with username and password.


  • logoutUser: Log out the user and reset their authentication data.


State Selectors

Utilize the following functions to retrieve specific pieces of the authentication state:

  • selectUserId: Returns the user's ID.
  • selectUsername: Returns the user's username.
  • selectToken: Returns the user's access token.
  • selectAuthStatus: Returns the current status of the authentication process.
  • selectTokenExpiresAt: Returns the expiration time of the access token.
  • selectRefreshToken: Returns the user's refresh token.
  • selectRefreshTokenExpiresAt: Returns the expiration time of the refresh token.

RouteState Documentation

The RouteState Redux slice manages user routing preferences and configurations.

State Structure

The RouteState has the following structure:

location_type: LocationType[];
query: string[];
negative_query: string[];
longitude: number;
latitude: number;
distance_threshold: number; // Distance between each location in meters
similarity_threshold: number; // Range: 0-1
negative_similarity_threshold: number; // Range: 0-1
route_type: RouteType;



  • setLocationType: Set the location types.
  • setQueryWithLocationType: Set the location type, query, and negative query. Both the location type and query arrays must be of the same length.
  • setLonLat: Set the longitude and latitude for the route.
  • setDistanceThreshold: Set the distance threshold for the route.
  • setSimilarityThreshold: Set the similarity threshold for the route.
  • setRouteType: Set the type of the route (e.g., walking, driving, etc.).


Utilize the following functions to retrieve specific pieces of the routing state:

  • selectLocationType: Returns the type of locations.
  • selectQuery: Returns the query strings.
  • selectLonLat: Returns the longitude and latitude.
  • selectDistanceThres: Returns the distance threshold.
  • selectRouteState: Returns the entire route state.